“I came to a farmer meeting and heard what crop insurance is really all about and how I can market my grain with insurance backing me up. Bob came to the farm and talked through the details of the policy and answered all my questions – and I had a lot of them. We did well on one crop and not so well on the other but our policy protected us. Plus I marketed some of my grain and beat the market at harvest. Talk to Bob – he knows crop insurance.” Doug Reed, Trumbull County
“What a crazy weather year we had! There were times I wondered if we’d ever get the crop in the field and then when the growing season kicked in we had more rain that I can remember. I kept wondering if our policy was going to protect us if it didn’t dry out and talked to Bob a lot. He reassured me that we were going to be all right and at the end of the season made sure the adjuster was here to get our claims wrapped up.” Virgil Houser, Trumbull County
“We carried the CAT policy for many years until we got a visit from our American Crop Insurance agent. He explained how a quality revenue policy could really protect our operation. Yes, it costs more, but when you look at today’s inputs, there’s just too much risk. Last year we had a claim on corn because of drought, and this year because of too much rain and the drop in corn price. I’d rather have the crops, but my crop insurance payments really saved us.” Denny Hindman, Bonny Bell Farms, Crawford County, PA
“I don’t like not understanding things like crop insurance. Bob made sure to be here at my farm to talk through all my questions. And if I had more questions he always answered the phone to talk to me about my policy and how to market my crop so my profit was protected come harvest time. After going through a season like last year I feel a lot more confident about my farm’s revenue being protected and having insurance to back up my marketing plan.” Ron Bailey, Trumbull County
“My brother and I have worked our farm for years with an insurance plan with another agent that didn’t really fit our operation. This year we decided to put all of our ground into one crop like others did in our area – Bob understood what we were doing and made sure to explain the revenue plan to us in detail so we felt comfortable going into the year. Unfortunately there was way too much water to grow the type of crop we wanted but our revenue was protected and we got the claim we needed. Bob’s the guy to talk to about insurance – and he likes answering questions.” Sandy Zak, Ashtabula County
“Our agent explains our options to us in a way that makes sense…and that was important this year with all that rain we had in the spring. My old agent never explained to me how a prevented plant claim worked, or how much it would pay me per acre. My American Crop Insurance agent made sure I knew everything before we even filed the PP claim. That’s the kind of service I want.” Joe Andrew, Andrew Grove Farms, Crawford County, PA
“Our agent showed us how Crop Insurance could work for our operation, and help protect our profits in these volatile times. We tell all our customers about American Crop Insurance.” John Burkett, McCullough Grain Mercer County, PA